domenica 10 maggio 2015

#SalTo15 Salone del Libro di Torino, Maggio 2015

Upon receipt, the poster for the presentation of my latest book at the Book Fair in Turin, I can send you all
good Sunday

Masonry and women yards

0.1 notes for a rethink and new humanism studies latomistici

These few lines are a first sketch for a larger work that can not be completed here, I want to be a reminder and a "provocation" at the same time.

Talk about Freemasonry, it is not easy, ironically not easy "listen" to Freemasonry, in the sense that the information and counter-information are so many, varied and in some cases damaged that it is almost impossible without a guide to approach the topic. Once you approach the Freemasons, then we must understand what aspect of the society we want to approach. You can get closer to Freemasonry itself, ie, the blue one, you can study the various Rites, you can look in the history, you can be fascinated looking esoteric, you can try the Lobby and the Devil and so on. As if this were not enough, many authors Masonic and anti-Masonic arise as having absolute truths. This framework apparent disheartening is complicated even more when you enter the world of proto Freemasonry (ie the period prior to 24.06.1717). The problem with many studies on Freemasonry is in the approach to the issue. Many authors and do not know why ignore all references and canonical authors who have studied history, philosophy etc. in the periods under review, it is almost like a pull out of reality and the scientific and academic community. I'm not a lover of the academy and the scientific communities, but sometimes ignore them is not good.
But let's get to the title of this note, women Freemasonry Anglo-Saxon-style that harks back to ancient customs, as established in the landmark and in the constitutions of Anderson of 1723 can not be started. But it is true that women were not part of the guilds of the masons? The same applies to the construction sites, the history of architecture, social history of the Middle Ages, etc. often it is preferred to idealize or "exploit" instead of studying, comparing, check. On the same card Bologna 1248 A.D. there are too few studies. Yet in ancient customs, in the ancient statutes no information and use of the practices used by contemporary Freemasonry without more awareness and / or memory.

Looking at the bibliographies of countless studies on Freemasonry we notice the absence of key authors for a study "science" of matter. Here are some great absent: J. Le Goff, J. Huzinga, M. Bloch, F. Cardini, E. Garin, U. Eco, E. Zolla, W. Tatarkiewicz, J. Baltrusaitis, C. Charbonneau-Lassay, E. Gilson, A. de Libera, E. Male, E. Panofsky, to name just a few authors. These absences, especially for those jobs that arise outside of an esoteric outright denote, albeit in good faith, an impossibility to a broad approach and considered independently of sectarian and dogmatic masonry, not just from having these absences the strong tools to detractors of Freemasonry.

I realize, as I write these lines have become more of my original intention and are becoming a critical (not your gross) to many scholars who have given so much. Without this critical, without a strong rethinking of the approach to the study of things Masonic perhaps nothing will change, but if we will expand the spectrum, if the launch of the dreams and wishes of our spirit and intellect may be able to better penetrate a complex world and fascinating as that of Freemasonry.
Joy - Health - Prosperity
© Michele Leone
Image taken from the network

Notes on the use of the apron and the Order in Masonic Rites 1.0


A long time ago in a monastery a cat entered in the abbey during commissioning meowed and jumped on the altar, the abbot can not tolerate, asked the novices to take the cat and tie before the function to release him at the end of the same. They spent many abbots and many generations of novices, always the cat was tied before the function and released at the end of the same. This story continued until the arrival of a young abbot who asked novices why the cat tied to untie the end of the mass. Their answer was succinct: "why so did the novices before us, because we have always done so." Heard the answer l 'Abate told them not to tie the cat and left more brooding.

No ifs no buts quotes

I deliberately chose not to use quotes from books, even from the most authoritative authors. Not presumptuously but for two simple reasons. The first: all of you are probably the finest connoisseurs me of Masonic literature and "Scottish". The second: a job full of copy and paste or become a hodgepodge or become a scientific study. Without ifs and buts, because it is right and proper to present their ideas even if they go against the majority of opinions (after Parmenides already attacked the opinion as fake knowledge). Freemasonry is a school that forges respect and confrontation but also in the degree of the Scottish Rite should teach us not to be fearful, but men willing to learn and express their thoughts even from the pack.
The apron of leather or leather and silk before then is indispensable business tool as well as a sign of belonging and teaches. In signum sak from the root that is going to show. Signum, that is, it needs to introduce or give a clue. In this sense, in my opinion, it has a double meaning. The first is that of an external manifestation of the degree of awareness reached. The second, valid especially for aprons Rite, is that they are a tool of meditation; watching them help through meditation to grasp the "secretum" varying degrees of accounting. This is just to mention the front of aprons, we often forget that they are also compounds (and it is an integral part) by a "rope" (laces). This "rope" used to cingerli hips turns the apron in a track designed to separate what is up and what is down, separate as there is material from what is spiritual. Moreover, the reference to the sacred is immediate. Finally if the apron is the first tool of work and protection, because never in a Lodge of Improvement, in Chapter etc. you should give up its use?

Considerations necessary and perhaps insufficient on the apron as a tool

During the Masonic initiation, the apron is girded around the waist and are delivered gloves. On this occasion usually the speaker among other things explains that they are of the instruments. But is it a tool? We could say that the instrument is everything with which and for which means you can operate an action. In its etymology instruere that are going to build, but instruere is all 'origin also to instruct (that we could read as coaching from the inside); struere well as educate, refer to two other words that it is the literal meaning that in the deeper ones are or should be linked; they build and destroy. The first is the particle with (together) and strudere (merge, sort), then put together multiple objects neatly [1]; the second is the deprivation of particle with the opposite direction, then we will have destruere (unpack, put down). After answering and rambled on what may be an instrument, the next question is: What am I doing? I use it! It is a simple answer, perhaps trivial, but with strong implications. What it means to use the apron? Certainly not enough to encircle, but if we started to do so would be a step forward. A leap forward and project ourselves in the subtle world to perceive the true importance. Not only on subtle levels, even on the physical plane it is a memento from one side and a beacon to guide us in our thinking about the symbols on the other. The tools both physical and no are donated to Mason because they can use to improve more and more in Art; the single best efforts to become a member of the school and especially in order to better convey what has been received.

Joy - Health - Prosperity

© Michele Leone
Image taken from the network


Porciatti U.G., Simbologia massonica -  gradi scozzesi, Atanòr 1981Sebastiani A., La luce massonica vol. 4, Hermes Edizioni 1993
Mainguy I., Simbolica dei gradi di perfezione e degli ordini di saggezza, Edizioni Mediterranee 2007
Bernard E. Jones, Guida  e compendio per i liberi muratori, Atanor 2001
Palingenius, L’Orthodoxie Maconnique, in La Gnose, n° 6 1910

Note the loss of trade secrets manufacturers

"The history of the construction and builders of cathedrals is closely related to the revival of cities and businesses, with the rise of the bourgeoisie, and also the first civil liberties. As you know, the Arab invasion of the seventh century closed the Mediterranean to trade with the East and the West and as a result, the trade and industry in Western Europe, survived for some time the barbarian invasions, came to a standstill. Urban life became more off, merchants disappeared, the municipal organization ceased to exist. The technical knowledge of the workers of antiquity were lost. If someone had mysteriously kept the secrets of the trade, for example between the masons and stone cutters, would not be back that occurred centuries of trial and experience before you find a good technique. "

This sentence included in his work Gimpel manufacturers cathedrals, as well as being attractive to her, may be useful for at least two reasons:

1) The history of the stone cutters probably does not have a continuous tradition but a sum of traditions which over the centuries, millennia if we look back to ancient Egypt and beyond, they are added together and the result is not necessarily a sum, but It could give a result exponential traditions added.

2) A reflection is called for. Many have heard that the Modern Masonry is the heir of the corporations or guilds of builders of antiquity in general and of the Middle Ages in particular. Then if these same scholars advocates will ask for details, they begin to tell stories that at best satisfied students of middle schools; so it needs to be stepped studies early history of Freemasonry. Studies that are not part of, but be open to the social history of the Middle Ages, the history of science, philosophy etc etc.
Joy - Health - Prosperity
© Michele Leone
Image taken from the network

Note 0.1 Word and Silence

The few lines that follow are intended to prepare for a larger work. Right now, there is no will but accidental to investigate the idea of ​​Word and Silence in Freemasonry, but starting to groped to frame the issue in a larger space and with a critical eye. For example the following lines, and the speech he will want to address the non-use of the word word in context "initiatory esoteric" and still in those valleys where the intellect goes toward being. Being for the moment is intentionally tiny as it is premature to interface with the BE.

Vocabulary Treccani: S word. f. [Lat. Late parable (v. Parabola1), lat. Pop. * Paraula; the evolution of sign. From "parable" to "speech, word" is already in the Vulgate, as the parables of Jesus are divine words par excellence]. 1. A complex of phonemes, that is, of articulated sounds, or even single phoneme (and its transcription into graphic signs), by which man expresses a general concept, which is precise and determines in the context of a sentence.

If we put aside for a moment the definition we see that the word is relatively young and retains its vitality in the parable, in fact, originally this was the sense, that is, teaching and by extension over the centuries and become the word that in itself It is insufficient in itself as it needs no other words to make complete and expressed a thought.

A synonym of the word, no longer in use, but the strategic purpose of this speech is verb. Especially if we take the meanings that it refers not so much to the grammar, which has little interest in this trip, but the verb is understood as Verbum or better as Logos. For now we take the Logos as Logos and not disperse energy in the difference there might be between that of Heraclitus and the Johannine. The say, the already not express any thought, but being have to be bound to a form of expression based on the Logos. This say, comes from thinking that is twofold. First being that folds on itself descending into his inner (vitriol) before ascending and secondly the being that is reflected and reflects what it is and that can not be otherwise. This is one of the reasons, if not the reason why the schools of initiation was and is the silence imposed on newcomers. They can not even break away from matter (metals) and connect them to be the Logos, are engaged in re-flectere and that struere, of which I have said elsewhere, that engages them in the process of destruction even before construction.

Gioia - Salute - Prosperità

© Michele Leone
Immagine presa dalla rete

METUSCHELAH: The Rebirth of Man

I found the draft of my first conference held in 1995 or so ... now I'm sure not gonna lose ..


The work that I am going to present, comes more from the theoretical reflections of that kind of historical research. Although history and historiography have been for me what was for Virgil "POET" in Comedy.I will use a way of prologue the beautiful words of Joachim: "It is not a chore just that these days ahead. But those who will be suitable for these tasks? In fact, perhaps the one who could refuse, and one who would not be able; who owns the elegance of speech, lack the science, to those who are given knowledge, he has denied saying appropriately. So, therefore, no one would be suitable. But perhaps all this must be justified in the same way? He who knows not, though not to neglect or negligence, has an excuse, or at all trustworthy, or at least plausible; The one who is allowed to know, even if he imparts, he has none or almost none. But perhaps, since I say these things, I attach one of two possibilities, so that I would presume to arrogate the merit of science? Absolutely no. Rather I, that I recognize myself in the one totally inadequate, the other I fear very judgment. Because, although I can not believe you are wise, if not stupidity, but I could not apologize to ignore what I am required to say, if not for falsehood. I will speak, then, as I can, otherwise I will indicate with the signs. And if I can not imitate men, I imitate the animal without intelligence, or else the man without word, which goes by signs stating what he saw. ". (Gioacchino da Fiore, Sull’Apocalisse, tr. it. e a c. di Andrea Tagliapietra, Feltrinelli, Milano 1994)                               What you want to talk about is the dream of utopias, ranging from Plato to Campanella and beyond, in other words, the attempt to create a better world and the world dell0'armonia peace. In most of the texts on the "State" written by philosophers and scientists, there are two factors that could be called fixed. These two factors are: 1 ° the presence of a leader or a group of enlightened men 2nd entire population that has got to evolve and self-governing democratically choosing their leaders. What do they show us these two factors? The first is a kind of civilization that still needs a guide to evolve; the second is already advanced civilization, or who no longer have need of guides, but of representatives. However, both the first and the second factor is something common, namely the achievement of a goal, that according to information we have, and little known, leading or the boss or the entire population to an evolution. This evolution is the awareness of something. Our goal right now is to andere to verify what is happening and makes present and operative this realization.
To address this survey we distaccheremo from classic track to get into the theoretical. What allows a subject or set of subjects to rise and want a world or almost antithetical to that in quele lived before? The answers may be multiple, but we interessauna in particular. From our point of view only the knowledge and then philosophical knowledge in the strict sense, can allow the subject to get to conceive of a world other than that of oppression. Before you go Next and should pause for a moment on what it means to philosophical knowledge or at least the meaning we attach to the term philosophy in this area. We speak here of philosophy and philosophical knowledge in the strict sense is equivalent to diri love to Sofia and love for Sofia is the path that brings the subject to be simply a researcher something to be a man reborn after death. What does rebirth? The revival to which we are referring is the rebirth after all who die within themselves, who sacrifice their conscience to make sure that once freed from unnecessary heart overweight the person is reborn man. In this state of things the man purificatosi the atrocities that until then had accompagnatodeve take note of something else. In him it grew Jered (The Christ that is born and develops within us). At this point we have a man who in addition to having reached the philosophical knowledge, develops within themselves what is called in Hebrew Jered, but that in our Renaissance a Dominican called Heroic Fury. The comparison may seem audacious and forced, but in fact conceptually the two are similar. That is, both the one and the other concept push man towards the Brotherhood, the equal sign and the freedom of thought (with all that implies) and push it to the defense of their ideals to the extreme sacrifice, death of the meat.In summary, we can say that we have identified in the philosophical knowledge the reason or probable cause for perfection by man. But the man who has perfected through the study and application of philosophy and who therefore knows things that others do not know, how to act towards other people?Before answering this question it is necessary to open a parenthesis. Metuschelah (consciousness must die in itself to bear fruit in the material world in order to produce the abundance and harmony in the land of men) and Jered are not two terms-concept to be read separately, but rather united. In other words: the first has no possibility of realization without the second. If only for the deep symbiosis that unites them. These two concepts are closely linked and us through the philosophy and Jered we get to Metuschelah. In fact this is the point of arrival, that state or situation where being all free you can start the "work" for the building of temples and of the men closest to harmony than they are today. Men who have the right component of Salt, Sulfur and Mercury, as the alchemists believed Renaissance.Returning to our main speech, it is time to answer the question on the behavior of individuals who know against those who do not know.The answer is more than obvious based on the argument made, the first spontaneous feel the need to pass on their knowledge and help each other because the harmony and prosperity can only be achieved with the Brotherhood.Wanting to insist in the sense of explanation regarding the concept of brotherhood will call into question two fundamental concepts: that of GNOSIS and to KNOWLEDGE. Speaking of diagnosis we must try to understand a meaning in the sense exactly airtight. Just as one may suppose, the diagnosis is a cognitive process assulotamente linked to spiritual maturity and mental (from Psyche = Soul = Breath) of the individual who pushed from their inner balance, which is then assumed, the new essence to the full knowledge of Because of the creative forces and to the knowledge of the facts of their externalization. It is, therefore, of a real "planetary motion" of his being voted the "conquest" of what is most sublime and accessible.
But the exercise of gnosis is a point of arrival, and I myself have yet to know who can be so exalted and presumptuous claim to be Illuminated.Gnosis, therefore, assumes as its attribute to individuality, and the rebirth of man is the rebirth of the individual.How bride gnosis with knowledge?My provocation tends just to clarify this relationship. If knowledge is to know together (from Co - gnosco), it assumes a fact of consciousness. But consciousness is "truth" made a purely individual. If knowledge is a report and a meeting of two or more minds, this means that the growth of collective or group around the same content supposes an internalization individual of the same content; every experience is the prerequisite of a microcosm of the individual, which can not be ignored the importance of internalizing within itself.Let's face then: if those who are on the road of gnosis is on the road to rebirth, in extending its expertise to the individual as the group has to deal with every lived, with all consciousness, with each microcosm. But as these attributes of individuality, we will have a conflict between what the general authority and what is particular. And 'here that intervenes the concept of freedom of the individual. And 'here it comes the esoteric content, which focuses on enhancing the discovery and conquest of gnosis by each. But this does not mean that it is a reality to put in salt. Quite the contrary: It 'with the disclosure that is balanced and controlled by the opportunity to those who can draw on a well of otherwise invisible. If we are talking of freedom, then it is permissible to speak of "freedom of opportunity", that values the concept of rebirth; It is linked to the concept of the possibility of rinacsita.
Fight for freedom means, therefore, to fight for the chance to become MEN.